MARTi (Metagenomic Analysis in Real Time)

Richard Leggett presented MARTi (Metagenomic Analysis in Real Time), a new real-time metagenomics software package developed by his team at the Earlham Institute, UK. He first described the origins of the software, which came out of previously published work (Nat. Microbiol. [2020]) investigating necrotising enterocolitis in pre-term babies – a condition associated with gut microbial dysbiosis (an increase in pathogenic bacteria and reduction in beneficial bacteria).


Large insights into microorganisms…


Taşınabilir dizileme, araştırmacıların dünyanın herhangi bir yerinde DNA analizi yapmasını mümkün kılıyor. Bu teknoloji, genomik araştırmaların çalışma şeklini yeniden şekillendiriyor.